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Concept2, Inc

Juneteenth Challenge 2022

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Jun 06, 2022

This year, Concept2’s Juneteenth Challenge will benefit Black-owned rowing programs. We’re excited to provide our support directly to organizations that are providing leadership and role modeling in the sport.

Juneteenth is the oldest nationally-celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in 1865 in the United States. We’re pleased to do a small part to celebrate African American freedoms and achievements. Continue Reading ›

6 Ways to a 30-Minute Workout

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Jun 03, 2022

monitor showing 30 minutes Do you only have 30 minutes to work out? We know that time is valuable (and very limited some days!) and how important working out can be. So, we reached out to our employees for their favorite ways to use those 30 minutes of precious time. Whether you’re squeezing in workout time on your lunch break, or only have 30 minutes, we have you covered. Continue Reading ›

