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6 Workouts You'll Love to Hate

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May 15, 2019

We all have our go-to or favorite workouts. For some of us, it’s a straight-up 5k or 30 minute piece. For others, it may just be doing 500m to get your blood pumping. For most of us there’s one thing we don’t like doing: Leaving our comfort zone. Here are six workouts to try! Continue Reading ›

What Damper Setting Should I Use?

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Apr 16, 2019

The damper on the side of the flywheel adjusts the airflow in and out of the flywheel on each stroke. On a higher setting, like 10, more air is allowed into the flywheel and will need to be pushed out on each stroke. On a lower setting, less air is exchanged on each stroke. The "best" damper setting—for you!—is a matter of personal preference and what gets you the best results. Continue Reading ›

Tags: Indoor Rower

The Skinny on SkiErg Stance

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Jan 15, 2019

The SkiErg offers a great full-body workout engaging arms, core and legs. To get the most out of your workout, you’ll want to set yourself up for the proper technique. Technique starts as soon as you approach the machine and decide where to stand on the floor stand (or on the floor in front of a wall-mounted SkiErg). Continue Reading ›

Tags: SkiErg, Technique


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