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45 Years Young

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Nov 03, 2021
The old Concept2 farm complex
It was a chilly gray day in November 1976 when the Dreissigacker caravan of Dick. Peter, Peter's future wife Bari, and all their belongings, pulled into the old Vermont farm that would become the home of Concept2. They had spent the last year designing a faster oar for their own use, and thought maybe it had a future. Or if it didn’t, they would design something else. So they formed a partnership and Concept2 was born. Continue Reading ›

Behind the Scenes at the Tokyo Olympics

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Aug 19, 2021

Concept2 was honored to have staff on the ground at the Tokyo Olympic Regatta. Oar technicians Matthias Zink from our German office and Bob Beeman from our US headquarters were there to assist with competitors' needs, whether for a last-minute tune up on equipment or for unexpected problems, like damage from travel or a collision on the course. Bob Beeman is familiar face to many of the athletes, as he's been supporting athletes at regattas all over the world for many years. Here he shares a little behind-the-scenes scoop! Continue Reading ›

Tags: Olympics

Paralympian Blake Haxton prepares for Tokyo

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Jul 20, 2021

As a senior in high school, Blake Haxton fell ill. Within a couple of days his condition deteriorated drastically and he was diagnosed with Necrotizing Fasciitis, a flesh-eating disease. In his incredible and odds-defying battle, Haxton had both legs amputated. But he recovered, finished high school and went to college. Although he temporarily hung up his oars, Haxton never went too far from the rowing club, acting as a coach during his undergraduate years. After learning to row all over again, he's now preparing for his second Paralympic Games and he has taken on a new challenge. He will race in both rowing and canoeing, competing over the full two weeks of the Paralympic Games. Continue Reading ›

Oars for Every Boat: Coastal Rowing

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Jul 12, 2021

The growing sport of coastal rowing adds splashes of excitement—literally—to traditional flat-water rowing. Using competitive self-bailing coastal boats, the sport is rowed on oceans and coastal waters where surf and tides test athlete speed on varying conditions. Concept2 sculls are custom-built and are suitable for coastal rowing; we can build what coastal rowers need. Continue Reading ›


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