Challenges | Page 7 | Concept2


Spice Up Your Winter SkiErg Training

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May 15, 2015

One of the best features of Concept2 ergs (ski or rowing) is that they accurately measure the work you’re doing. In addition, the flywheel calibrates itself on every rundown to take ambient conditions into account, so someone at altitude can compare their erg time with someone at sea level, regardless of the weather and environmental conditions. Continue Reading ›

Meet Ultra-Rower Darlene Brennan

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Sep 10, 2014
KC Colt, Darlene Brennan and Dena Hirchak in front of Concept2
Darlene Brennan between Concept2's KC Colt and Dena Hirchak
We'd like you to meet Darlene Brennan. You may recognize that name if you have done any Concept2 team challenges, because quite often, she is at the top of the challenge standings board, rowing for the ANCIENTS team. Since 2008, she has taken part in eighteen team challenges where she ranked #1 on the individual standings eight times. In four of the eighteen challenges, she easily completed more than one million meters and in eight, she completed more than two million meters. She also set 2 new world records recently for lightweight 70-79 women—one for rowing a million meters in thirteen days and the other for rowing 100,000 meters in just under 12 hours. How does she do it and what's her secret? Darlene visited Concept2 recently and shared a little of her story. Continue Reading ›

Fishing for a High Score

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Jan 09, 2014

Some of you may remember the story we wrote in the Fall 2009 issue of the Update about our CFO (“Chief Fishing Officer”), Jon Williams. Well, he’s still the in-house Fish Game Champion…but he doesn’t come close to the fishing exploits of customer Ken Petterson.

Ken and Jon communicate regularly about their fishing, and most recently Ken sent us a really impressive collection of his fishing stats, accumulated from over 9000 games! We thought you would enjoy seeing them—and perhaps this will inspire you to try the Fish Game if you haven’t already. It only takes 4 minutes to play each game, but fair warning: it can be quite addicting! Continue Reading ›

