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Concept2, Inc

No Time? No Problem. How I Fit Workouts into My Busy Schedule

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Mar 22, 2018

There was a time (which now seems like a long, long time ago) when my workout wasn’t a rushed affair squeezed in between meetings, daycare pickup, and folding laundry. Recently, I found myself feeling a tinge of jealousy when I realized my friend who was working out after work had the luxury of a warm up, a long workout, a full cool down, and a long, hot shower in her own bathroom. Continue Reading ›

A Record-Breaking Day at the First World Rowing Indoor Championships

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Feb 21, 2018

The first World Rowing Indoor Championships took place February 17–18 in Alexandria, Virginia. A new collaboration with World Rowing, the Championships will be held at a different venue each year, moving around the world to provide a truly global capstone to the indoor rowing season. This year's event was hosted by the Erg Sprints, and saw an international field assembled from 32 different countries. Continue Reading ›

Fly and Die: Strategies for Pacing

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Jan 22, 2018

It’s a common “strategy” (or misjudgment) for a workout: you go out hard, hope to hang onto your best pace, but find that you just can’t maintain your pace. “Fly and Die” is a popular term for starting out a workout so fast that you’re unable to finish at that pace. You “fly” at an unbelievable pace only to “die” from it physically and emotionally. Continue Reading ›

Para-Rowing Indoor Championships News

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Jan 17, 2018

As you may be aware, 2018 brings changes to the world of indoor rowing. The inaugural World Rowing Indoor Championships (WRIC) is being held at the Erg Sprints in Alexandria, Virginia, February 17-18, in partnership with World Rowing (FISA) and USRowing. This change also brings with it changes and opportunities for indoor para-rowing.

Please read carefully! There is a lot of detail here, and it’s all important. Continue Reading ›

